

Khoresm has always been famous throughout the history for his great people, scholars and geniuses in multifarious activities. Especially, the names of such geniuses who were born and educated in the Middle Ages in Khoresm as Muhammad Musa al-Khoresmi, Abu Rayhan al-Beruni, Abu Abdullah al-Khoresmi, Ibn Miskavayh, Abu Nasr al-Iraq, Abu Sahl al-Masihi, Abu Khayr ibn al-Hammar, Abu-l-Fath al-Mutarrizi are famous through the area from East to West. One of the most famous and estimated scholars born and educated in Khoresm is Mahmud az-Zamakhshari.

Az-Zamakhshari had a lot of students and followers in different cities that he had attended during his visits. It would not be an exaggeration to say that especially those five years he had spent in Holy Mecca were very fruitful. Holy Mecca was not only a sacred place of pilgrimage for Muslims, it was also one of the scientific and educational centres of the Islamic world where one could meet the most estimated representatives of science and education of that time as well as the students and disciples seeking knowledge.

In the field of the Arabian lexicography, it is necessary to mention Az-Zamakhshari’s book “Asas al-balaghat” (The Bases of Maturity). The problems of accuracy of the language, the ways of expressing the idea beautifully and expressively, the correct choice and use of words in practice, etc. are a few problems discussed in this book. This invaluable book was also published several times in the countries of the East. Its manuscripts are preserved in most of the libraries of the Arabic world.

It is necessary to mention that during the years of independence gained by our country much has been done in the field of studying and investigating the life and the scientific heritage of the scholar az-Zamakhshari. The highest importance in that celebration of the 920th anniversary of Mahmud az-Zamakhshari in 1995. At the same time, it is necessary to note that studying and investigating the works by az-Zamakhshari, translating his works into Uzbek and making them property of the nation are one of the sacred duties of experts and specialists in this field.


Head of international relations F.Saydullaev

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