

We are pleased to invite you to the next lecture, which will be delivered by Associate Professor of the Department of "World History" of Termez State University, senior researcher at the International Research Center of Imam Termizi,  Jalalitdin MIRZAYEV (Uzbekistan) 
Topic of the lecture: "The spread of Islam and colonial conquests: common and special features"
Based on the analysis and generalization of diverse historical sources, the lecturer suggests considering the following issues:
 the spread of Islam in Termez;
 The emergence of a Muslim emirate outside the caliphate at the end of the 7th century; 
 dispute between Muslims and Buddhists; 
What is the difference between Fath and the Russian conquest?
 Lecture date: October 16, 2023 (Monday)
Jalalitdin MIRZAEV (PhD) – Associate Professor of the Department of World History at Termez State University, Senior Researcher at the Imam Termizi International Research Center (Uzbekistan). Research interests: History and culture of Central Asia in the context of the local history of Termez.

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